6 ||| [B]IMPORTANT KODI UPDATE: PLEASE FOLLOW DIRECTIONS![/B] [CR][CR] [B]We just did an update to the Stream Life Wizard that [I]MAY[/I] require a couple extra steps this time![/B] [CR][CR] [B]It is very much encouraged that you do this update.[/B]. [CR][CR] [B]NEW KODI BUILD UPDATE RELEASED:[/B] October 4, 2019. [CR] You may want to write down these directions or take a picture of the screen. An email will also be sent with instructions on updating if you are on the Pittsburgh Kodi Email List. [CR][CR] 1. Open Kodi[CR] 2. Click on [B]Stream Life Central[/B] (bottom left)[CR] 3. Find the Stream Life Build Installer section[CR] 4. Click on [B][17.5] Stream Life Kodi Build 19.10.4[/B][CR] 4a. If you do not see [I]Stream Life Kodi Build 19.10.4[/I] listed, please skip down to point number 11 and then return to #2.[CR] 5. Choose [B]Fresh Install[/B][CR] 6. When it asks you if you'd like to restore to default settings, click [B]Continue[/B][CR] [B][I]**If the screen goes dark during installation, do NOT click the select button on your remote, instead use any arrow key to reactivate the screen.[/I][/B][CR] 7. At the end of installation, [B]Force Close[/B] Kodi[CR] 8. Re-open it, and you should be good to go.[CR] 9. Kodi should look the same, if it doesn't please contact Pittsburgh Kodi at [B]PittsburghKodi@gmail.com[/B], and I'll help you fix it.[CR] 10. Also, if you are on our email list, you will receive more detailed instructions, so please check those before contacting Pittsburgh Kodi. To join our e-mail list email PittsburghKodi@gmail.com[CR] [CR] 11. If you do not see [I]Stream Life Kodi Build 19.10.4[/I] in your builds list, please do the following...[CR] A. Highlight the [B]Settings[/B] button on the Kodi main screen, but do [B]NOT[/B] select it.[CR] B. Press the [B]Down Arrow[/B] on your remote, and select [B]File manager[/B] from the menu at the top of the screen[CR] C. Scroll to near the bottom of the list and click on [B]Profile directory[/B][CR] D. Click on [B]addon_data[/B] and then click on [B]plugin.program.streamlifepghkwizard[/B][CR] E. Highlight [B]settings.xml[/B] and click the [B]menu button[/B] on your remote. Then select [B]Rename[/B][CR] F. Change the name to [B]settings1.xml[/B] and click [B]OK[/B][CR] G. Now click back to the [B]main Kodi screen[/B] and resume with point [B]#2[/B] from the instruction list.[CR][CR] [B]ENJOY![/B]