v0.1.7a -Mod tweaked code to prevent 2nd startup -Fixed bug where started with second char in notifications -Fixed bug when only 1 build is avaliable and shows kodi version and save data twice -Fixed bug in backup build v0.1.7 -Added First Run Save Data Window -Added New Window for Viewing Log Files -Added Custom window for TextBoxes -Added Install build without force close -Added Install method to Settings (Always Ask, Reload Profile, Force Close) -Added 'Remove Advanced Settings' in menu's -Added Keep Repo's, Keep Super Favorities and WhiteList -Added Import and Export Save Data/WhiteList -Added PVR plugin in whitelist will re-enable on startup after install -Added Video Preview for builds -Added Test Builds only appear in developer mode(any build with the word test in the name) -Added Sections for APK, Addon Installer, Advanced Settings, and Youtube Videos -Added Adult attribute to Themes List -Added 3rd Party Wizard support -Added More support for Kodi 17 and Addons27.db -Added Exception for 'meta_cache' and 'archive_cache' in clear cache(watched items) -Added Ability to change the icon and fanart for the contact window -Added Scraper for SPMC and Kodi Apks. -Added Convert text to 0.1.7 text files -Added Fix for meta and forks when installed from build -Added Convert to Special on Backup guiFix and Themes -Added Reinstall addon to addoninstaller -Added Kodi 18 to build menu -Added Addon support to theme backups -Mod Redid how the remove addons worked. -Mod Working url check now tries 3 times before returning a bad url -Mod Clear packages on startup reduced to 3 minutes(down from 5) -Mod If skin is set to 50 default, it uses 55 on 'skin.estuary' -Mod Converted all custom windows except advanced settings to .xml files -Mod Convert to special on guifix and theme -Mod Tweaks to addon installer -Fixed Bugs in downloader.py and save data. -Fixed Bug in SmoothStreams Login Data -Fixed Bug in Trakt, Debrid, Login - clear addon data -Fixed Bug in removing old thumbnails -Fixed Bug in Kodi 17 Builds showing Kodi 16 count -Fixed Bug in Kodi 17 causing startup to run twice -Fixed Bugs in Backup/Restore when using external and network locations -Rem Header and message font size in uservar.py v0.1.6 -Added Auto Clean Up Fequency on Startup -Added Remove Old Thumbnails on startup -Added Enable/Disable Addons in maintenance -Added Enable/Disable Adult Addons -Added Email support added back to upload kodi log -Added Adult into text files.(builds, apk, addons)-Show/Hide Adult in Settings -Added Description into text files.(builds, themes, apk, youtube, addons) -Added Addon installer -Added YouTube Video Sections -Added Added Krypton Section to Builds List -Added Scan Sources for bad urls -Added Check for broken Repository -Added View Errors in Log File -Added Help window for installing APK's -Added New build information on view build page and in builds list context menu. -Added New Windowxml for Auto Config Advanced Settings -Added Advanced Settings text file. -Added Ability to setup backup location -Added Logging Levels inside the Settings Menu -Added Auto Cleaning of wizard.log by date, size, lines -Added Ability to set SPACER in uservar for menu items. -Added Convert text files from 0.1.5 to 0.1.6 -Added Disable update notifications in settings. -Fixed changed the way ADDON_ID vs Addon Folder is checked -Fixed Plugin Sorting on Remove Addon Data page -Fixed Minor bug for default icon for login and real debrid in menus -Fixed Bug in Apk Installer for official Kodi/SPMC -Fixed Losing Font style and other skin settings on theme skinswap -Fixed No working fanart/icons when using wizard in Official Kodi Folder -Mod GUI Changes to progress dialog for extract -Mod All Dialog Windows and Popups Run off COLOR1 and COLOR2 -Mod Rework on maintenance menu. -Mod Clear Cache now clears cache for several movie addons(If Enabled) -Mod Changed code for identifying which Log file to read. -Mod Now the AutoUpdate trakt, login, debrid details will always update data if usernames(addon and saved) match -Mod Made the view errors on extract easier to read. -Mod Added Exceptions to Backing up Builds and Extracting Zips -Mod Moved Backup, Restore, Convert to Special, Ascii Check to Maint Menu -Mod Rearranged the settings menu -Mod If the wizard is stored in the Official Kodi folder, moves it to /Kodi/addons/ -Mod Clear Packages on startup doesnt effect files created in the last 5 minutes v0.1.5 -Added MetalliQ & Meta support for trakt data -Added Import Data for trakt, debrid, login * -Added Login Data with several addons to Saved Data Menu -Added Open Settings for addons in trakt, debrid, login -Added More debugging for startup.py and default.py -Added Developer Menu: Backup Theme, guiFix, and build zip -Added Developer Menu: Restore local zip and guifix -Added Developer Menu: Restore external zip and guifix(IE: hosted on site) -Added Developer Menu: Remove non ASCII file names -Added Check for skin set back to default on startup -Added More support for .log files -Added New Window for build update, contact and first run -Added Hide/Unhide Passwords and remove crash logs to maintenance menu -Mod Complete recoded of the trakt, debrid, and login files and menus. -Mod Apk Installer menu now always appears when developer menu is turned on. -Fixed Minor bug in real debrid save menu -Fixed UploadLog has been fixed -Fixed Force close for Android -Fixed Bug for Notifications Window selecting both dismiss and remind me later(mainly with nvidea shield) * Note: If you switch between one wizard using aftermath wizard to another, you can copy the 3 folders in addon_data(trakt, debrid, login) to the other wizard then import the data. v0.1.4 -Mod Minor changes to Notify on startup -Mod Extract.py now excludes wizard folder if contained in build. -Mod New Clear Cache Code ignores .log files. -Mod Fixed Error check log on viewing log file when doesnt exists. -Rem For the time being 'skin.estuary' has been removed from skin swap. -Bug Fixes v0.1.3 -Added Debugging on check for build update -Added Wizard.log to view only messages from wizard itself -Added Text File to add your own APK's -Added Auto Clean on startup[Cache and Packages] -Mod Clear Cache works better than before -Mod Made a seperate window for the test Notifications window v0.1.2 -Added RemoveAddon and RemoveAddonData menus -Added Developer menu with Test Notifications Window, Convert Paths to Special -Added Save Data Menu with Real debrid, Trakt support, and keep files -Added AutoConfig form on the website to autocreate wizard file. -Added Auto Install repo if not installed -Added APK Installer for spmc and kodi on android -Mod Auto Save of trakt and debrid is alot better on fresh start/build install -Mod Notifications Window now has either Image header or Text Header support -Mod If no Isengard and below builds hide the [-] Isengard and below and vice versa -Mod If only one build is avaliable it skips to view build instead of view build list -Fixed bug in trakt menu if exodus, etc was installed -Improved Code v0.1.1 -Added support for custom main menu icons -Added ability to hide seperators in the menu(======='s) -Added the ability to decide how often it checks for build updates -Added purgeDB for all db files(Multiselect for Kodi 16+ and SingleSelect for below) -Added auto removal of chars from zip name that arent allowed -Added if a db file doesnt delete it will purge it -Added in Settings Do not seperate builds by version -Fixed trakt addons now will show the addon icon/fanart if the addon is installed -Fixed error in the Auto Update -Fixed dialogs covering up the 'View Errors' textbox v0.1.0 -Various bug fixes -Add skinSwap to force skin back to confluence v0.0.1c -Fixed the errors on extract message -Relocated add user edit variables to uservar.py -Seperated builds by kodi version v0.0.1 -Initial Release